A big reason why our members are so successful at attaining their wellness goals is our community.

Online and offline, our members are part of what we call our “Fitness Family.”

We are a tight-knit group of people all united toward the common goal of bringing fitness, longevity, and happiness into our respective lives.

Our FitFam is non-judgemental, welcoming to all, and full of positivity and encouragement.

Once you join our Fit Family, you’ll never want to leave it!



Our online community consists of a private, Members-only group where we share our member milestones, nutritional advice, recipes, inspiration, words of encouragement, giveaways, and more.

One of the highlights of this group is seeing other members share their transformations. It’s so incredibly inspiring and keeps you motivated to push yourself, so you can ultimately share your transformation too.

You’ll love the positivity, fun, and value of our online community.

Here are just a few recent posts from our private Facebook Member’s Only group:

  • “Down 12 lbs this challenge! Down 32 lbs. and size 14 to size 8 since January. Could not have done this without encouragement from all the coaches!  THANK YOU!”
  • “In this challenge I lost enough inches to borrow my teenage daughters pants. I’m so happy with the results, but I’m not sure she is. Thank you Coach Neil!”
  • “I am sooooooo excited to start this program!!!! I’m ready to lose the weight and get stronger and more lean and toned! I work nights so I will start tomorrow afternoon”
  • “Flex Friyay workout in! That was a tough one! #fitfam #unstoppable”
  • “I want to thank all of you for complimenting me, pushing me, cheering for me, challenging me and sharing in my physical and mental changes. Tonight was my 5th month bootcamp. I have lost a total of 42 pounds!!! But I have gained so much more!! I am more confident, I’m happier, I’m healthier. My progress and determination has helped others to make changes in their fitness too. Tonight after class, I cried happy tears. I do apologize for those of you who thought I hurt my knee again. So let me explain. Our last stretch at the end of the cool down, we had to cross one foot in front of the other and then we leaned to the side. And then we switched our feet around and leaned to the other side. As soon as we got done, I realized that tonight was the first time that I could actually do that and it was very emotional for me. Thank you to tonight’s classmates who were there and clapped and cheered for me when they figured out what was going on. Don’t beat yourself up if the numbers on the scale aren’t moving as fast as you want. Remember, not all victories are on the scale. “



Our offline community consists of the friendships and bonds our members create with their coaches and one another.

It’s made up of the:

  • Big smile and hearty welcome you get from our coaches every time you walk into our studio
  • Friendly greetings you get from your fellow members
  • Shout-outs of encouragement you hear as you push through an exercise
  • Local charities we support in various ways throughout the year
  • And so much more!

We are on a mission to change people’s lives.

Let us change yours!



Start by checking out our specials:


“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

– Helen Keller