Try us at no cost or obligation.  Complete the form below and take that first step.  As soon as we hear from you, one of our welcoming coaches will reach out to you to set up your first workout.   We cater to ALL fitness levels – even if you’ve never worked out a day in your life!  Enjoy the most amazing workout of your life — on us!

You’ll love it!

ps If you’d like to speak to an actual human, give us a call!
Coach Jenn Bates, owner, 239-207-0003 (I’m a busy grandma so if you get my vm, I promise, I’ll call you back asap!)
or Coach Neil Bates, owner, 517-605-0397 (he’s still hanging on to his Michigan phone number!)

*Free workout is available only if you have never worked out at our fitness studio. Thank you.

In three months from now you will thank yourself.