Oct 11, 2020

Am I too old for bootcamp?

We love love LOVE this article by the Insider, where they share the results of a Norwegian study where researchers assigned adults, aged 70-77, over a five-year period, to do two sessions of HIIT training per week.  (HIIT is high intensity interval training.  In laymen terms, it means we’re going to spike your heart rate, then bring it down, then spike it, then bring it down… you get the idea!)  That is EXACTLY what we do here at Fit Body Boot Camp in Fort Myers!

In short, the study found that those adults doing HIIT twice a week had significantly better fitness, as well as mental and physical quality of life, compared to the group who did just moderate-intensity exercise (and a control group who simply followed the national guidelines for exercise.)

“The HIIT group were also less likely to die during the five-year study than the moderate training group.”  The article continues on to say, “The difference is not statistically significant, but the trend is so clear that we believe the results give good reason to recommend high-intensity training for the elderly,” Dorthe Stensvold, lead author of the study and professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, said in a press release.”

To be objective, the researchers mention that the people who signed up to do the study were more fit than the average adult to begin with, but they go on to say, “Still, the study showed clear improvements in markers of fitness, including mental health, suggesting that HIIT should be further explored as a way to keep older adults healthy throughout their 70s and beyond.


By high intensity we mean training that gets you really sweaty and out of breath. Now our hope is that the national recommendations for physical activity will be modified to encourage older people even more strongly to do high intensity training – either as their only form of exercise or to supplement more moderate training,” Stensvold said in the press release. 

You can find the full article HERE.

We’d like to personally welcome you to try us out for a free workout.  We know that once you see how welcoming our members are, how passionate our coaches are, and how judgement-free our fitness studio is, you’ll feel right at home.

Come on in and meet our fitness family!

In Peace & Wellness,

Coach Jenn
Coach Jenn

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