Mindset | Nutrition

Why We Gain Weight

Today, we’re diving into some eye-opening insights from Gary Taubes’ book Why We Get Fat.… read more »

Fitness | Mindset | Nutrition

Favorite Weightloss Lessons From Atomic Habits

Happy Monday! It’s a fresh new week! Hopefully you all had a wonderful weekend! I… read more »

Fitness | Mindset | Nutrition

Weightloss success leaves clues

SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES. One of my favorites quotes! If you want to see lasting transformation,… read more »


Our top weightloss hack!

The holidays are long gone but some of you are still feeling (and seeing) the… read more »


Water + Weightloss

Let’s talk about WATER Hi! My name is Coach Jenn Bates, one of the owners… read more »


Counting calories or macros? Read this…

TRAINER TIP Do you know how many calories are in one gram of carbs, fat… read more »


The Best Tips for Healthy Living and Weightloss

Are you planning for a successful week? The struggle is real… you’re rushing home from… read more »


Work smarter not harder

It’s almost back to school time, which means, if it’s even possible, life’s about to… read more »


Mealprep for success

Our #1 reason for mealprepping is to help us stay on-track with our eating. When… read more »


What about those Menstrual Cups?

GUEST POST Raising two daughters meant we spent quick a bit on tampons & pads… read more »