Jan 28, 2025

Why I’m Breaking Up with Bacon (And Why You Might Want to Too)

Can we have an honest conversation about something that’s been on my mind lately? You know that moment when you learn something about a food you love, and you’re like, “Oh no… really?”

That’s exactly what happened to me with processed meats. Trust me, as someone who used to consider bacon a food group (and who still gets misty-eyed thinking about holiday ham), this wasn’t easy to accept.

But here’s the thing – as a fitness coach here at Coastal Fitness, I’ve made it my mission to share what I learn about health with my community. Not in a preachy way, but in the same way I’d tell a friend about a pothole I discovered on McGregor – because I care and want to help you avoid it.

So, let’s talk about what research actually tells us about processed meats:

First, what counts as “processed meat”? We’re talking about bacon, hot dogs, sausages, deli meats, and other meats that have been smoked, cured, or had preservatives added. Basically, if it’s been transformed from its natural state to extend shelf life or change flavor, it’s processed.

Here’s what the research shows (and why it matters to you):

The World Health Organization classified processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen – the same category as tobacco smoking. Now, before you panic, this doesn’t mean they’re equally dangerous; it just means the evidence linking them to cancer is equally strong.

Regular consumption of processed meats has been linked to a 16% increased risk of colorectal cancer, even with relatively small portions. But here’s what I find most scary: it’s not just about cancer risk. These foods have also been associated with higher rates of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

But look, I get it. We’re all human, and sometimes a ham & turkey pub sub just calls your name. The key isn’t to panic or swear off these foods forever – it’s about making informed choices and finding balance.

Here’s what I recommend to our members at Coastal Fitness:
– Choose fresh, unprocessed meats when possible
– Save processed meats for special occasions rather than daily meals
– Load up your plate with protective foods like vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains
– Focus on movement and overall healthy habits rather than perfection

The most important thing I’ve learned in my own wellness journey is that health isn’t about restriction – it’s about empowerment. It’s about having the information you need to make choices that serve your body well.

Want to learn more about making healthy choices that still let you enjoy life? I’d love to chat! Drop by Coastal Fitness for a free class and let’s talk about health, fitness, and finding that sweet spot between enjoying life and taking care of yourself. I’ll include the link below. We welcome EVERYONE – even if you haven’t worked out a day in your life. We are fitness, simplified.

Remember, it’s not about giving up everything you love – it’s about loving yourself enough to make choices that help you thrive.

Committed to your health,

Coach Jenn Bates
Owner, Coastal Fitness
(ps We’ve had a recent name change!)

Here’s that link to book a FREE workout! Come on in and meet your new FitFam! Trust me when I say the hardest part is actually walking through the front door. Once you’re inside, you’ll feel like you belong here, in seconds.